
"Icon-Language" is a project of


A Language of Icons, Jochen Gros, in: "Pictograms, Icons & Signs", Roger Hübner and Ryan Abdullah, Thames & Hudson 2006

Besides the English edition, this book is also printed in German, Piktogramme und Icons – Pflicht oder Kür, Mainz 2005

Japanese and Chinese Edition 2007. Available: USA-DE-UK-JP

Icon-Chinese, Jochen Gros, 2004 English and German

Icon-Typing, Jochen Gros, 2006  English and German (

AppMail-Emoticons, Jochen Gros, Apple iBook 2012 (with a short grammar of icon-language) Available: National iBookstores

Die grafische Wende – Zur Handschrift und Illustration, Jochen Gros, Apple iBook 2013, Available: German iBookstore

The digital Rise of  Handwriting and Illustration, Jochen Gros, Apple iBook 2013, Available: National iBookstores

Jochen Gros, Selficons – Emoticons zum Selber Malen, pcwelt 02.2016

Jochen Gros, Picto Script, PAGE 01.2016

Jochen Gros, Tears-of-Joy? Word of the Year 2015, published in the German magazine form 264, Jan. 2016 (0,5 MB)

German/English Tears-of-Joy.pdf

Jochen Gros, tod-der-handschrift-von-wegen! 2013

Jochen Gros (Gross), Politische Emoticons, in ARCH+ Dez. 2013 "Political Emoticons - A Picture Language"

Jochen Gros, Pictoglyphs – Typography, Technologie and Semantics of a "New Pictorial Script"

in: PREPARE FOR PICTOPIA, Pictoplasma Publishing Berlin, 2009

Jochen Gros, Icon-Language, from Vision to Icon-Typing Proceedings of the OpenOffice Conference, Beijing 2008

Mioko Yasui and Jochen Gros: Advantages of icon-fonts in e-learning for language education/training Proceedings of the Japanese e-Learning Conference, Kyoto 2008

Jochen Gros, Icon-Word, in: Welche Sprache spricht Europa?, Hrsg. Die Junge Akademie an der Berlin

Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wissenschaftsverlag Berlin, 2005

Jochen Gros, MMS Handys – ein neues Kapitel der Bildmitteilung, in: design report 2/2003

Jochen Gros, Neue Bilderschrift, in: Katalog zur Ausstellung Digital-Fiktional, im Frankfurter Karmeliterkloster, Verlag Hermann Schmidt, Mainz 1993, ISBN 3-87439-264-3

Jochen Gros, Software auf der Hardware, Funktionshieroglyphen oder neues Ornament  in: form 123 , 1988

mail (at)

For more selficons, see

Available: USA - DEJPUK


Pictograms, Icons, Pictorial Fonts,

Jochen Gros,

German and English, 2011
